Conversation with Graeme Edge of Energy Disruptors


The disruptions we need: a conversation with Graeme Edge of Energy Disruptors

When we encountered a technical glitch at our recent seminar, we decided it was a great excuse to bring the Energy Disruptor founder back for another round. Are we having enough spicy conversations? Is “disruption” an overused term? Has the oil and gas industry finally begun to pivot towards geothermal? To find out, join us for this special installment of “Overrated/Underrated” with Graeme Edge and our CEO Alexander Helling, hosted by CMO Kristina Hagström Ilievska.

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媒體報導_【三立新聞台】_台灣亮起來_花東縱谷的大地瑰寶! 能源開發關鍵在人 永續概念帶進偏鄉 村民與發者共同守護土地

This village is located in a beautiful valley and once known as one of the three major hot-springs among East Coast of Taiwan.

媒體報導_【聯合報】重燃地底綠電/失落30年的地熱 會是台灣新能源希望?

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