Vinod Khosla to speak at seminar


Vinod Khosla to speak at seminar on trends in geothermal energy

On 16 February, Baseload Capital will host a virtual seminar on the most important trends in geothermal energy today. Which trends are the most promising? What can investors, industries, developers, landowners and governments do to ensure continued success? The main speaker will be Vinod Khosla, founder of Sun Microsystems and Khosla Ventures.

Geothermal technology is developing rapidly, with scalable solutions that are making it possible to generate power in more and more locations, more profitably than ever before.

To discuss the latest trends affecting the industry, Baseload Capital has arranged a second event in the seminar series called, “The earth has power: Let’s switch it on.”

The keynote speaker at the seminar will be Vinod Khosla, founder of Sun Microsystems and Khosla Ventures. Vinod Khosla has long been a champion for geothermal energy and will give his view on which breakthroughs the industry needs most.

“We want to be a catalyst for renewable energy by developing and financing the production of electricity from existing heat sources. Our goal is to create resilient societies and a planet in balance,” says Alexander Helling, CEO of Baseload Capital.

The earth has power. Let’s switch it on.

  • A virtual seminar on trends in geothermal energy
  • Date: February 16, 2021
  • Time: 7-8:30 am PST; 10–11:30 EST; 16:00–17:30 Swedish-time
  • Audience: Investors, businesses, developers, landowners and governments in Europe and North and South America.

Speakers & topics

  • Pernilla Wihlborg,COO of Baseload Capital, will speak on why trends are important, and on how the company evaluates them to find the most promising ones.
  • Graeme Edge,founder of Energy Disruptors, whose “Unite” events have attracted a who’s who of energy experts, will join Baseload CTO Manon Stöverto discuss the most powerful trends in geothermal today.
  • John Redfern,CEO of geothermal technology company Eavor, will share his company’s success story
  • Vinod Khosla, founder of Sun Microsystems and Khosla Ventures, will speak on the most needed breakthroughs
  • Alexander Richter,founder of the geothermal news site,, will speak with Baseload CMO Kristina Hagström Ilievska about the biggest challenges he’s faced in promoting the industry, and what needs to happen next to make sure the energy keeps trending.


Press and other interested parties are welcome to attend. Register here. Attendees will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance upon registering. Any questions we do not get to during the event will be fielded among the speakers and compiled in Baseload Capital’s next newsletter.

For more information, please contact
Alexander Helling, CEO of Baseload Capital

Kristina Hagström-Ilievska, Marketing Manager of Baseload Capital


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